Cays Park Master Plan Project
Located in south Coronado, Cays Park is Coronado's largest city park at sixteen acres. In early 2023, the City hired the renowned community park planners, Schmidt Design Group to manage the Cays Park Master Planning project. The public was invited to participate and engaged in community meetings to provide input into the park design process.
In May 2024, the City Council approved the Cays Park Master Plan, which was the culmination of years of effort and community engagement. This plan provides a high-level vision for Cays Park to serve the community now and into the future. On October 1, 2024 the City Council provided further direction on the Park Design. The City has refined a few elements of the plan and will next embark on financial planning, design and engineering work, and the phasing and construction timeline. The City extends its tremendous thanks for years of engagement by community members to help shape the long-term vision for Cays Park.
The scope of work and specific design elements has not changed since the adoption of the Park Design in May 2024. The park maintains 75% of the current field space for active programmed use and includes a provision for more open space for unprogrammed and passive recreation.
The park has significant deferred maintenance and infrastructure replacement needs, as no significant renovations have been made since the park was built in the 1970’s (except for court resurfacing in 2023). Repairs and replacement of the irrigation system, new restrooms, playground equipment, and other infrastructure needs for the current layout have been estimated to be $13 million. These elements are part of the Park Design. It is important to note there will not be a reduction of lanes on Cays Park Boulevard and the dog park acreage will increase.
On October 1, 2024 the City Council provided staff further direction on the Park Design. Throughout the process, the City Council will be presented with decision points at appropriate junctures and the public will also be kept informed.
Refinement of Park Design
- Design certain park features with alternates that could be included or excluded. Features include the plaza, the sunset deck and hill, and the native gardens.
- Value engineering opportunities, such as modifying the pickleball court social area and changing material types, and the number of shade structures were also identified as alternate options. This approach provides the City Council the future opportunity to retain or remove elements later in the process depending on cost considerations.
- Modify the plan to retain the existing length of the dog park, which will add about 50 feet to the design and to explore the location of the playground within the park.
Next Steps
- Develop the technical design and engineering drawings. This work will begin in 2025 and will take about a year. The City Council will approve the final design.
- Following the design phase, an environmental review process will take place.
- Next, the final design will go out to bid
- After the bid process, a funding strategy will be finalized, and construction will take place.
- Construction will be conducted in three phases to minimize impacts on sports programming and other user groups.
- Preferred Park List of Amenities
- Preferred Park Parking Summary
- Preliminary Construction Cost Estimate
- Cays Park Conceptual Construction Phasing Plan
Public Meetings
- City Council Meeting - October 1: Agenda and Staff Report and Cays Park Design Refinement Presentation PPT and Schmidt Design Group Presentation PPT and Meeting Video
- City Council Meeting - May 21: (Agenda) (Staff Report)
- Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting, May 6: Agenda Report and PowerPoint Presentation and Meeting video
- Community Workshop, March 14: PowerPoint Presentation and Cays Park Workshop video
2023 Cays Park Community Meetings & Park Designs
2023 Park Design Options
- Draft Park Design Option 1 (25%)
- Draft Park Design Option 2 (50%)
- Draft Park Design Option 3 (75%)
- Draft Park Design Option 4 (100%)
- Draft Park Design Option Amenities
Public Meetings
- City Council Meeting - December 5 Agenda and Staff Report and Meeting Video
- City Council Meeting - August 15 Staff Report2023 Survey Results
- Parks & Recreation Commission - November 2 - Meeting video
- Community Workshops - October 5 and September 27
- Initial Kickoff of Master Plan - September 12 - Meeting video and PowerPoint presentation
2023 Community Survey
The City conducted a statistically valid survey of all City residents in June 2023 in an effort to ensure all residents could actively participate and share their views on the future of the park. True North Research, a professional survey consultant conducted the survey, which used mail, email, text, and telephone for public outreach and multiple data collection methods (telephone and online), soliciting input from all segments of the community.
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Project Background
Cays Park is a 16-acre neighborhood park, and the largest City owned park and home to a variety of local sports programs including pickleball, tennis, and soccer, a dog park, and children’s playground. The park, in need of major maintenance, embarked on a master plan process to ensure a top-notch redesign of the park to maintain access for all in the community. In planning for these needed improvements, the City was seeking public input for input to enhance Cays Park’s design, layout and features to serve future generations of Coronado residents. Feedback from previous workshops were included in the process.
Why Conduct A Master Plan - A master plan presents a long-range vision which can be implemented over time. The associated public outreach will provide the City with a better understanding of the public’s desires and a document that can be referred to over time to ensure the long-range vision is implemented. It also helps ensure that park improvements are implemented in the most efficient way possible.