Cross Border Water Pollution
Cross Border Water Pollution in South Bay
The City of Tijuana's regional wastewater infrastructure is decades old, has inadequate capacity to treat and convey wastewater and suffers from repeated breaks and system failures. These failures lead to spillage and wastewater discharge into the Tijuana River, its tributaries and outfall into the Pacific Ocean, polluting the ocean waters off Imperial Beach, Coronado, and beyond.
On September 3, 2024, the Coronado City Council adopted a Resolution Asserting the Necessity and Urgency to Resolve Cross Border Water Pollution and Restore Environmental Quality and Access to Coastal Water.
Coronado's Plan for Addressing Cross Border Water Pollution
The City of Coronado has been tirelessly advocating for wastewater treatment solutions since 2016, along with other regional partners.
- In 2022 the federal government allocated $330 million to mitigate the problem, with the Mexican government contributing another $144 million.
- In early 2024, the federal government allocated an additional $200 million to augment the International Boundary & Water Commission (IBWC) budget, which is responsible for treating cross border flows at their International treatment plant located in San Diego.
Cross Border Water Quality Quarterly Reports
- July 16, 2024: City Council Presentation and Staff Report and Meeting Video
- May 7, 2024: City Council Presentation and Staff Report and Meeting Video
- February 6, 2024: City Council Presentation and Staff Report and Meeting Video
Reporting Air Quality Complaints (San Diego County Air Pollution Control District)
If someone is experiencing air quality complaints, they believe may be linked to sewage impacts from the Tijuana River Valley, contact the San Diego County Air Pollution Control District at 858-586-2650 or email or use their website.
Planned Projects in San Diego & Tijuana
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the IBWC have planned several projects in San Diego and Tijuana to address cross border water pollution. The projects will help improve water quality for local communities; however, will take time to design and construct.
- Expand capacity of the existing sewage treatment plant on the U.S. side of the border. (Press Release 10.29.24)
- The U.S. section of the International Boundary and Water Commission (USIBWC) celebrated the launch of the rehabilitation and expansion of the South Bay International Wastewater Treatment Plant (SBIWTP), a project that will double the facility's capacity. The work at the San Diego, Calif., plant is being funded jointly between the USIBWC and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency with the aim of drastically reducing transboundary sewage flows from Baja California, Mexico. The project’s early work to start this year includes setting up a bypass system for the primary facilities and performing in-depth structural assessments of the concrete structures. This will be followed with concrete repairs early in the new year. Learn more on the IBWC website.
- Replace San Antonio de las Buenas treatment plant that discharges untreated sewage at Punta Bandera in Mexico.
- Build an additional treatment plant on the US side of the border to treat river flows.
- Install a trash boom in the river on the US side of the border.
- Additional repairs to the sewage collection system in Mexico.
Timeline for Current Improvements
With this funding, projects are expected to be completed and operational by the end of 2027 that would result in a 50% reduction in the number of days of transboundary wastewater flow in the Tijuana River and an 90% reduction in the volume of untreated wastewater discharged to the Pacific Ocean.
- Summer 2024: IBWC plant designs complete, construction contract for infrastructure improvements to be released.
- September 2024: Mexico stated they will complete repairs on their Punta de Bandera treatment plant.
- For a map of the related infrastructure improvements, please visit the EPA website.
Why are the Ocean Waters in South Bay Intermittently Closed
Many parts of Tijuana’s wastewater infrastructure are decades old, have inadequate capacity to treat and convey wastewater and suffer from repeated breaks and system failures. During and after significant rain events and wastewater system breaks in Mexico, untreated water can flow northward carrying contaminants into U.S. waters off San Diego.
During winter and spring months, unusually heavy and frequent rain events create significant flows down the Tijuana River that propel much higher-than-normal volumes of contaminants into the ocean environment. This results in a greater number of ocean closures, warnings and advisories from Imperial Beach to Coronado than is typically experienced at other times of the year.
In May of 2022, San Diego County also introduced a first-in-the-nation ocean water quality testing protocol which has yielded more closures than under prior testing protocols. On Coronado, water samples are taken daily. When samples approach or exceed the test’s threshold, an ocean advisory, warning or closure is designated, and signs are posted on the beach.
- San Diego County Water Quality Results are online as conditions change on the San Diego County Beach & Bay Water Quality website, along with information on ocean advisories, warnings and closure levels.
Next Steps to Ensure Local Waters are Open for Recreation
The City of Coronado continues collaboration at the local, state and federal levels to protect our water resources. While much has been done to dedicate necessary resources, ongoing attention and advocacy is needed to ensure these projects advance and complete as quickly as possible. It is estimated that an additional $300 million beyond the currently allocated $470 million is needed to fund all of the infrastructure improvements on both sides of the border.
On April 3, 2023, the Coronado City Council voted to create dedicated Council Subcommittee on Cross Border Water Pollution to continue to the City’s focus on legislative advocacy and aggressively pursuing solutions with regional partners. The City encourages the community to stay informed and sign up here for e-updates as more information becomes available on funding and the status of projects.
Related Documents
- Request Support of Funding - IBWC in President's Disaster Relief Supplemental Appropriations 11-19-24
- Coronado Letter to Senate Appropriations Committee 9-21-24
- Coronado Letter of Support for New Authorization for San Diego County TRVW in WRDA 9-6-24
- Coronado Border Water Quality Restoration & Protection Act Support Letter, Senate EPW House 9-6-24
- IBWC Citizens Forum Appointment Letter 5-30-24
- San Diego County Mayors Request - State of Emergency & Intervention from CDC For Pollution Crisis 6-4-24
- Letter of Support AJR 12 State Legislature 1-27-24
- Assembly Joint Resolution 1-24-24 Alvarez, Boerner, Davies, Maienschein, Ward, & Weber / Senators Atkins, Jones & Padilla
- Governor Affirm Letter for Federal Funding 1-29-24
- San Diego Delegation Letter to Navy on Sewage Pollution 1-23-24
- CA Senators request for Supplemental Federal Funds 8-29-23
- City Request to White House for Support in Ocean Justice Strategy 6-29-23
- Support Letter for Declaration of Local Emergency for Cross Border Water Pollution 6-27-23
- Funding for IBWC Appropriations Emergency Supplemental Congressional Delegation Letter 9-8-23
- City Letter to CA Governor Gavin Newsom Emergency Declaration 8-25-23
- White House Announces Ocean Justice Strategy 6-21-23
- San Diego Representative Request to Mexico for Status Updates on Mexico-Side Projects 6-21-23
- Federal State of Emergency Request: Transboundary Pollution Crisis 6-13-23
- San Diego Mayors of San Diego - Tijuana River Valley State of Emergency Request 9-14-23
How to Support Collaborative Efforts to Improve Water Quality in South Bay
If you would like to get involved, reach out to the EPA Region 9 Office and your local U.S. Senator and Congressmember to voice your concerns. Encourage your representatives to continue to support additional funding for wastewater treatment facilities along the U.S./Mexico border and to support efforts to expedite the IBWC group of improvement projects that have already been funded and are underway. Together, we can ensure clean water for all who use South County’s bays and beaches.