2021-2029 Housing Element Update
At a Glance
- On April 9, 2024 the City Council voted to adopt Coronado's Housing Element Update and introduced the associated amendments to the Coronado Municipal Code at a Special City Council meeting.
- Since 1969, California law has required that all cities and counties demonstrate how they will meet the housing needs of everyone in the community. Every eight years, the state, via the regional association of governments (SANDAG or San Diego Association of Governments), tells cities how many homes they must plan for to accommodate people of varying income levels.
- For the 2021-2029 planning period, SANDAG allocated 912 planned new housing units under the Regional Housing Needs Assessment to Coronado.
- To accommodate the new housing units, the city creates or updates its housing plan, known as the housing element, which details how the city will accommodate the projected housing needs. The city is currently updating its Housing Element to identify specific actions to be taken over the 2021-2029 planned period related to housing.
- Although Coronado can accommodate some of the 912 housing units on property already designated for homes, the city needs to identify and rezone additional sites to accommodate 912 units, plus a 15% buffer for a total of 1,049 units to meet state requirements and guidelines. The City is looking to utilize military housing and ADU/carriage housing to meet a portion of the requirements.
Draft Housing Element Update
The draft 2021-2029 Housing Element Update for potential new housing sites in Coronado is available for public review below. The City is looking to utilize military housing and ADU/carriage housing to meet a portion of the RHNA requirements.
- Revised Draft Housing Element Update (April 8, 2024) (Adopted April 9, 2024)
- HCD comment letter (April 8, 2024)
- Revised Draft Housing Element Update (March 21, 2024)
- HCD Comment letter (March 5, 2024)
- Environmental Assessment
- Draft Housing Element Update Revised (1-12-24)
- Draft Housing Element Update Redline Revised (1-2-24)
- HCD Comment Letter (12-15-23)
- Draft Housing Element Update Redline Revised (12-1-23)
- Draft Housing Element Update 2021-2029 (10-23-23)
- Housing Element Fact Sheet
General Plan Amendment
The Draft 2021-2029 Housing Element Update Requires amendments to the City's Land Use Element of the General Plan. The amendments establish a New Housing Element Opportunity Site Overlay Zone and consolidate existing single family residential categories into one Low-Density Residential Land Use designation. The general Plan Land Use Map Amendment applies the Housing Element Overlay Zone to Opportunity sites. The City is releasing these Draft Amendments for a 45-day review period, from February 7, 2024 - March 23, 2024. Please see below for the Notice of Availability and the Draft Land Use Element Amendments.
- Notice of availability/public review of Draft Sixth Cycle (2021-2029) Update of City of Coronado Housing Element, an amendment to Coronado General Plan, as well as Amendments to the General Plan Land Use Element and Land Use Map.
- Draft Land Use Element Amendments
Local Coastal Program Amendment
The Draft 2021-2029 Housing Element Update Requires amendments to the City's Local Coastal Program. Various sections of the City’s Municipal Code are proposed to be amended to further the programs and policies of the Housing Element Update. These amendments include but are not limited to: update the City’s Zoning and General Plan Land Use Designation Maps, add a Housing Element Opportunity Site Overlay Zone chapter, update various sections of the zoning ordinance to comply with current state law, establish minimum densities in the R-4 and R-PCD zones, reduce parking requirements for affordable housing developments, and allow for the conversion of carriage houses. The City is releasing these Draft Amendments more than six weeks prior to the final decision by the City Council in accordance with state law. The City anticipates holding a public hearing before the Planning Commission at 3:00 pm on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, and before the City Council at 2:30 pm on Tuesday, April 9, 2024. Both meetings will occur in the Coronado City Council Chambers located at 1825 Strand Way, Coronado, CA 92118. Please see below for the Notice of Availability and draft amendment documents.
- Notice of availability and public review of Municipal Code and Local Coastal Program Amendments to Implement Programs and Policies Found in the Draft Sixth Cycle (2021-2029) Update of the City of Coronado Housing Element
- Draft LCP LUP Amendments for the City of Coronado
- Draft Coronado Municipal Code Amendments
- Draft OACSP Amendments for the City of Coronado
Why it matters
- Providing housing to meet the needs of all income levels is critical to the social and economic health of a city.
- It can be challenging for coastal cities like Coronado with limited housing to attract teachers, public safety officers, and military personnel, and other middle-income professionals because of the high cost of housing. The Housing Element Update will help Coronado meet the existing and future needs of the community.
- Without an approved housing plan, the State can issue fines, revoke the City's permitting authority, and the City will be ineligible for certain grants.
Per state law, the Housing Element has two main purposes: to provide an assessment of both current and future housing needs and constraints in meeting these needs and to provide a strategy that establishes housing goals, policies, and programs.
The City's Housing Element is an eight-year plan for the 2021-2029 period, which differs from the City’s other General Plan elements that cover a much longer period. The Housing Element serves as an integrated part of the General Plan but is updated more frequently due to State requirements.
The Housing Element identifies strategies and programs that focus on:
- Maximizing housing opportunities throughout the community
- Assisting in the provision of affordable housing
- Removing governmental and other constraints to housing investment; and
- Promoting fair and equal housing opportunities
Other news
- State of CA Attorney General Media Announcement 10/20/23: Attorney General Bonta, Newsom Administration Reach Agreement with City of Coronado for Compliance with State’s Housing Element Law
Previous Outreach
- October 12, 2023 Workshop PPT and Meeting Video
- October 17, 2023 Public Hearing PPT and Public Hearing Video
On March 17, 2021 the City released the Public Review Draft Housing Element Update 2021-2029 and began accepting comments. Comments received prior to April 16, 2021 were provided to the California Department of Housing & Community Development for their consideration, and all comments received by the City were considered by the City's Planning Commission and City Council prior to adoption. The City held a public workshop October 22, 2021 via Zoom for residents interested in learning about the process to incorporate the state’s new housing requirements. In addition to the workshop, a community survey was available from October 22 to November 22, 2020. Results can be viewed here.