Ocean Boulevard Street Improvements Project
Update May 13, 2022, 2022
The rehabilitation of the asphalt roadway on a project to improve access and pedestrian mobility on Ocean Boulevard is tentatively scheduled to begin the week of May 23. Pavement rehabilitation of Ocean Boulevard is the final major phase of this capital improvement project and will begin after all curb, gutter, and sidewalk work has been completed. The contractor will be opening a portion of sidewalk between Alameda Boulevard and Marina Avenue early next week. Crews will begin demolition of the sidewalk, curb and gutter from Isabella Avenue to Alameda Boulevard, the final sidewalk section to be completed, near Central Beach during the week of May 16. Traffic and access will be impacted.
Update May 6, 2022, 2022
The contractor on a project to improve access and pedestrian mobility on the west side of Ocean Boulevard has constructed the majority of sidewalk between Alameda Boulevard and Ocean Drive. This coming week, crews will work to construct bulb outs at Pine Street, Marina Avenue, G Avenue and Alameda Boulevard. Due to some delays caused by a materials shortage, work to construct the sidewalk at Central Beach, Isabella Avenue to Alameda Boulevard, will occur toward the end of the month. Pavement rehabilitation of Ocean Boulevard will begin after all curb, gutter, and sidewalk work has been completed. Traffic and access will be impacted.
Update April 29, 2022
The contractor on a project to improve access and pedestrian mobility on the west side of Ocean Boulevard has finished construction of the curb and gutter between Alameda Boulevard and Ocean Drive and will begin pouring the sidewalk portion this week. The streets lights in this section are being moved to the back of the sidewalk and the storm drain inlet at Pine Street is being rebuilt to accommodate the wider sidewalk. The majority of work in this section should be complete by May 6. Work is expected to commence on the last section of sidewalk, Isabella Avenue to Alameda Boulevard, the week of May 9. Pavement rehabilitation of Ocean Boulevard will begin after all curb, gutter, and sidewalk work has been completed. Please use caution when driving through the area. Traffic and access will be impacted.
Update April 22, 2022
The main load-bearing layer of paving construction has been completed and the light pole foundations have been poured from Alameda Boulevard to Ocean Drive. The contractor on a project to improve access and pedestrian mobility on the west side of Ocean boulevard will next construct the curb and gutter in this section over the course of three days starting the week of April 25. The sidewalk from Alameda Boulevard to Ocean Drive will be poured the following week. Please use caution when driving through the area. Traffic and access will be impacted.
Update April 15, 2022
The contractor on a project to improve access and pedestrian mobility on the west side of Ocean boulevard continued work relocating street lights and installing new sidewalk between R.H. Dana Place and Isabella Avenue. In addition, demolition has begun in another segment of the project between Ocean Drive and G Avenue. Traffic control remains in place during working hours and will be needed after working hours as work progresses near Ocean Drive. Please use caution when driving through the area. The work is expected to be completed by Memorial Day. Traffic and access will be impacted.
Update April 8, 2022
The contractor on a project to improve access and pedestrian mobility on the west side of Ocean Boulevard is beginning to work on multiple segments. This hopefully will increase productivity and complete construction as soon as possible. While work wraps up between R.H. Dana Place and Isabella Avenue (Segment 1), crews are beginning demolition operations between Marina Avenue and Ocean Drive (Segment 4). Those in the area will see various stages of work including sidewalk improvements, relocation of light poles and installation of new curb, gutter, sidewalk, and pedestrian ramps. This work will be followed by an asphalt overlay of Ocean Boulevard. The current sidewalk width is very small in some places. The City Council defined the scope of work in January 2021 to include sidewalk widening to provide 8 feet of clear pedestrian space in front of relocated street furniture placed at the back of the sidewalk. Additional design features include curb bulb-outs, which extend the sidewalk at crosswalks to reduce the effective street width to make it safer to cross, at six locations. The work is expected to be completed by Memorial Day. Traffic and access will be impacted.
Update April 1, 2022
The contractor on a project to make major improvements to Ocean Boulevard will complete the sidewalk concrete pours this week. Crews also will form and pour a pedestrian bulb-out at the intersection of Ocean Boulevard and Loma Avenue. A bulb-out is a curb extension that reduces the effective street width to make it safer to cross. Street light foundations are expected to be constructed by the end of the week and light poles will be relocated within a few weeks. This first phase of construction is planned to be completed by Wednesday, April 13. The next phase of work will occur between Isabella Avenue and Alameda Boulevard. The entire project includes relocation of lights and street furniture, and installation of new curb, gutter, sidewalk, and pedestrian ramps. This will be followed by an asphalt overlay of Ocean Boulevard, all to improve acccess and pedestrian mobility on the sidewalk along the ocean side of the roadway.
Update March 11, 2022
Work on a project to make major improvements to Ocean Boulevard has begun. The contractor was in the area this week preparing the area for the work to be completed, including relocating trash bins, locating underground utilities, and beginning demolition by saw-cutting and removing concrete sections. The work will be done in phases beginning with the sidewalk improvements (completed in four segments) which includes relocation of lights and installation of new curb, gutter, sidewalk, and pedestrian ramps, and will be followed by an asphalt overlay of Ocean Boulevard. The first segment of sidewalk work will take place from approximately March 7-31 between Isabella Avenue and R.H. Dana Place, about a quarter mile. The second segment, from Alameda Boulevard to Isabella, is a tenth of a mile and is anticipated to take place from March 18 through April 7. Segment 3 will be completed from March 30 through April 21, and will be from Marina Avenue to Alameda, just more than a quarter mile. The fourth segment, from April 6 through April 26, will be from Ocean Drive to Marina Avenue, just over one-tenth of a mile. The community will begin to notice more significant construction next week beginning Tuesday, March 15. The second phase of work, the Ocean Boulevard asphalt overlay, is anticipated to occur from April 25 through May 10. The project will improve access and pedestrian mobility on the sidewalk along the ocean side of the roadway and include Ocean Boulevard pavement rehabilitation. Traffic impacts can be expected as the project progresses including parking restrictions on both sides of the street and lane closures during working hours. Traffic may be reduced to one lane for both directions during pavement rehabilitation. Dates are approximate. The work is expected to be completed by Memorial Day, May 30.
Update March 4, 2022
The contractor on a project to improve Ocean Boulevard will begin initial work on Monday, March 7. Crews will conduct surveying, potholing for utilities and saw-cutting sidewalk sections for removal. The first section of sidewalk that will be demolished and reconstructed will be from R.H. Dana Place to Isabella Avenue and that work will begin the week of March 15. The City asks that those in the area, particularly pedestrians, observe the detours required for the work to be completed. The project will improve access and pedestrian mobility on the sidewalk along the ocean side of the boulevard. Traffic impacts can be expected as the project progresses including parking restrictions on both sides of the street and lane closures during working hours. Traffic will be reduced to one lane for both directions during pavement rehabilitation.
Update Feb. 18, 2022
Construction will soon begin to make improvements along Ocean Boulevard. The project will improve access and pedestrian mobility on the sidewalk along the ocean side of the boulevard. The current sidewalk width is very small. Add open car doors, people unloading beach gear, walkers, runners, bicyclists, strollers, and dogs on leashes and it gets tight. Last fall, the City Council approved a design after considering a variety of options.
Residents and those driving in the area can expect traffic impacts as the project progresses including parking restrictions on both sides of the street and lane closures during working hours, particularly during pavement rehabilitation work when traffic will likely be reduced to one lane for both directions. Traffic control is likely to change each day so the public should use caution when traveling through the area and expect delays. The City will notify the community about the work and impacts once the contractor’s schedule is set. Construction is likely to begin in the next four weeks.
The approved design includes sidewalk widening to provide a minimum of 8 feet of clear pedestrian space. This will mean moving trash bins, benches and some light standards out of the pedestrian path. The project includes new asphalt on Ocean Boulevard from Ocean Drive to the crosswalk at Flora Avenue. Design features include curb bulbouts on the west side of Ocean Boulevard that will allow pedestrians to be seen better by motorists when crossing the street with no loss of on-street parking.
In accordance with the City’s Active Transportation Plan, pavement striping improvements along Ocean Boulevard will include high visible ladder-style crosswalks to replace the traditional two-stripe crosswalks and “share the road” pavement stencils,or sharrows, in both travel lanes to remind drivers that cyclists may use the full travel lane.
The City Council reviewed and approved the scope of work and critical design elements for improvements along Ocean Boulevard and authorized advertisement of the project for bid at its Aug. 17, 2021, meeting. The Ocean Boulevard Street Improvements project was developed to improve access and pedestrian mobility on the sidewalk along the ocean side of the boulevard. With open car doors and beach-outing unloading, walkers, runners, bicyclists, strollers, and dogs on leashes, the current sidewalk width can be very small. The scope of work was last considered by the Council in January 2021.
Having considered a variety of design options, the City Council approved a design at its Aug. 17, 2021, meeting that includes sidewalk widening to provide 8 feet of clear pedestrian space in front of relocated streets furniture placed at the back of the sidewalk. The direction was intended to strike an appropriate balance between desired improvements and resulting project costs.
The project still includes a “grind and overlay” along Ocean Boulevard from Ocean Drive to the crosswalk at Flora Avenue. This work involves the removal of the top one and one-half inches of asphalt and replacement with a new asphalt section. Structural degradation in the roadway surface will be repaired by removing asphalt to the roadway base section, recompacting the base section, and replacing the asphalt to the existing grade.
Additional design features still include curb bulb-outs on the west side of Ocean Boulevard at six locations; these bulb-outs will allow pedestrians to be seen better by motorists when attempting to cross the street and, due to existing red curb zones, can be constructed without reducing on-street parking. Also included are 19 existing curb ramps to be rebuilt to current ADA standards. Lastly, in accordance with the City’s Active Transportation Plan, pavement striping improvements along Ocean Boulevard will include high visibility ladder-style crosswalks to replace the traditional two-stripe crosswalks and “share the road” pavement stencils, also known as sharrows, to be installed in both travel lanes of Ocean Boulevard to remind drivers that cyclists may use the full travel lane.