Recreation & Golf Fee Study

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The Recreation & Golf Services Fee Study has concluded.

We want to thank you for your engagement and participation in the Recreation and Golf Services Fee Study. Your input has played a key role in finalizing the adjustments to the fee structure and policies, ensuring that they reflect the community’s needs and priorities. The new fees and policy updates will go into effect starting January 1, 2025 for Recreation Services and are already in effect for Golf Services as of January 1, 2024.

In the coming weeks, we will provide additional information about the implementation process, including how the changes may affect you and what to expect. Our goal is to ensure that the transition is as smooth and transparent as possible, and we appreciate your attention to these updates.

Thank you once again for your participation and continued support!

The City of Coronado Recreation and Golf Services Department has engaged a specialty consultant, Next Practice Partners, to complete a comprehensive fee study and develop a cost recovery model and policy plan for the department. This study affects all divisions and functions of the department including facility and location rentals, programs and classes, memberships, daily use, sports field allocation, and more.

We invite you to be part of the conversation and to provide your input!

2024 Public Workshops

  • City Council Meeting, September 3, 2024
  • Parks & Recreation Commission Fee Study Meeting, August 12, 2024: Meeting Video

More information about upcoming meetings, project documents, and the consultant is available in the column to the right under Key Dates and Presentations, Workshop Documents and Videos.

Community Survey Now Closed

Thank you to the community for participating in the community survey for the Department’s comprehensive fee study. Your input has provided staff a path forward for developing of a fee structure that aligns with the diverse needs of our community. We appreciate your time to complete this survey and helping create a plan that truly reflects the values of Coronado.

Prior Events
See below for a recap of meetings and events associated with the Recreation and Golf Services Fee Study.

Parks and Recreation Commission and Golf Course Advisory Committee Joint Meeting, August 23, 2023, 5:00-6:00 p.m.

A Special Meeting was held with the PRC and GCAC at the John D. Spreckels Center and Bowling Green on Wednesday, August 23 to discuss the fees recommended by Next Practice Partners for the Coronado Municipal Golf Course. Proposed green fees include an increase for tournaments/groups of 36%, nonresidents 20%, and residents 15%; a deduction for youth rates and a new 25-use pass for juniors to replace the monthly junior card were also proposed.

Both the PRC and GCAC supported the recommendations by the consultant. The next step for implementation of the fees include a presentation and a public hearing with City Council. The meeting date will be updated in the column to the right when set.

Recreation Fee Study Public Meeting, August 24, 2023, 5:00-6:30 pm
Next Practice Partners and City staff hosted an open workshop at the Coronado Club Room and Boathouse on Thursday, August 24 to discuss fee priorities for Recreation services and facilities. During the meeting, live polling was utilized to receive immediate feedback on questions posed by the facilitator.

The community survey was open through September 14 for those who were unable to attend the meeting and assisted in structuring the statistically valid survey.

Once the statistically valid survey has been crafted, a random selection of Coronado residents will be mailed the survey for completion. For those not selected for the statistically valid survey, the same survey questions will be opened online to gather feedback from the community at large. More information will be provided once the survey is ready for publication. A recording of the workshop is available on YouTube.

City Council Meeting, November 7, 2023 4:00 p.m.

A public hearing was held at the November 7, 2023 City Council meeting to discuss the proposed revised fees for the Coronado Municipal Golf Course. The changes include a 15% increase for residents, a 20% increase for nonresidents, a reduction in youth rates, an introduction of a 25-use pass for junior, and a 36% increase for tournaments and groups. More information about the proposed fees, including the rate chart, are linked in the righthand "Important Links" box. Fees are effective January 1, 2024 and more information about improved access to tee times for residents can be reviewed on the Recreation and Golf Services website.

Parks and Recreation Commission Special Meeting, March 26, 2024

Neelay Bhatt, founder of Next Practice Partners, presented the results of the statistically-valid survey conducted by ETC Institute as well as the results from the non-statistically-valid survey hosted on Survey Monkey. The presentation provided to the Parks and Recreation Commission as well as the full report from ETC is available in the Presentations, Workshop Documents, and Videos section to the right.

After receiving the presentation, the Commission was tasked with providing feedback and input for the next steps of the process which include the development of policies and fees for recreation services. A community workshop will be scheduled to discuss the recommendations developed by Next Practice Partners in the coming months.

The Recreation & Golf Services Fee Study has concluded.

We want to thank you for your engagement and participation in the Recreation and Golf Services Fee Study. Your input has played a key role in finalizing the adjustments to the fee structure and policies, ensuring that they reflect the community’s needs and priorities. The new fees and policy updates will go into effect starting January 1, 2025 for Recreation Services and are already in effect for Golf Services as of January 1, 2024.

In the coming weeks, we will provide additional information about the implementation process, including how the changes may affect you and what to expect. Our goal is to ensure that the transition is as smooth and transparent as possible, and we appreciate your attention to these updates.

Thank you once again for your participation and continued support!

The City of Coronado Recreation and Golf Services Department has engaged a specialty consultant, Next Practice Partners, to complete a comprehensive fee study and develop a cost recovery model and policy plan for the department. This study affects all divisions and functions of the department including facility and location rentals, programs and classes, memberships, daily use, sports field allocation, and more.

We invite you to be part of the conversation and to provide your input!

2024 Public Workshops

  • City Council Meeting, September 3, 2024
  • Parks & Recreation Commission Fee Study Meeting, August 12, 2024: Meeting Video

More information about upcoming meetings, project documents, and the consultant is available in the column to the right under Key Dates and Presentations, Workshop Documents and Videos.

Community Survey Now Closed

Thank you to the community for participating in the community survey for the Department’s comprehensive fee study. Your input has provided staff a path forward for developing of a fee structure that aligns with the diverse needs of our community. We appreciate your time to complete this survey and helping create a plan that truly reflects the values of Coronado.

Prior Events
See below for a recap of meetings and events associated with the Recreation and Golf Services Fee Study.

Parks and Recreation Commission and Golf Course Advisory Committee Joint Meeting, August 23, 2023, 5:00-6:00 p.m.

A Special Meeting was held with the PRC and GCAC at the John D. Spreckels Center and Bowling Green on Wednesday, August 23 to discuss the fees recommended by Next Practice Partners for the Coronado Municipal Golf Course. Proposed green fees include an increase for tournaments/groups of 36%, nonresidents 20%, and residents 15%; a deduction for youth rates and a new 25-use pass for juniors to replace the monthly junior card were also proposed.

Both the PRC and GCAC supported the recommendations by the consultant. The next step for implementation of the fees include a presentation and a public hearing with City Council. The meeting date will be updated in the column to the right when set.

Recreation Fee Study Public Meeting, August 24, 2023, 5:00-6:30 pm
Next Practice Partners and City staff hosted an open workshop at the Coronado Club Room and Boathouse on Thursday, August 24 to discuss fee priorities for Recreation services and facilities. During the meeting, live polling was utilized to receive immediate feedback on questions posed by the facilitator.

The community survey was open through September 14 for those who were unable to attend the meeting and assisted in structuring the statistically valid survey.

Once the statistically valid survey has been crafted, a random selection of Coronado residents will be mailed the survey for completion. For those not selected for the statistically valid survey, the same survey questions will be opened online to gather feedback from the community at large. More information will be provided once the survey is ready for publication. A recording of the workshop is available on YouTube.

City Council Meeting, November 7, 2023 4:00 p.m.

A public hearing was held at the November 7, 2023 City Council meeting to discuss the proposed revised fees for the Coronado Municipal Golf Course. The changes include a 15% increase for residents, a 20% increase for nonresidents, a reduction in youth rates, an introduction of a 25-use pass for junior, and a 36% increase for tournaments and groups. More information about the proposed fees, including the rate chart, are linked in the righthand "Important Links" box. Fees are effective January 1, 2024 and more information about improved access to tee times for residents can be reviewed on the Recreation and Golf Services website.

Parks and Recreation Commission Special Meeting, March 26, 2024

Neelay Bhatt, founder of Next Practice Partners, presented the results of the statistically-valid survey conducted by ETC Institute as well as the results from the non-statistically-valid survey hosted on Survey Monkey. The presentation provided to the Parks and Recreation Commission as well as the full report from ETC is available in the Presentations, Workshop Documents, and Videos section to the right.

After receiving the presentation, the Commission was tasked with providing feedback and input for the next steps of the process which include the development of policies and fees for recreation services. A community workshop will be scheduled to discuss the recommendations developed by Next Practice Partners in the coming months.

Page last updated: 03 Oct 2024, 02:35 PM