Citywide Historic Resource Survey

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Historic Context Statements and Surveys are planning tools for understanding, identifying, evaluating and protecting the City’s historical resources. Context Statements provide the foundation for successful survey work. They provide an analytical framework for identifying and evaluating resources by explaining the broad patterns of historical development of a community that are represented by the physical development and character of the built environment.

Historic Surveys are intended to identify potentially significant properties, provide information needed to make informed planning decisions, prioritize preservation goals and objectives, and increase the public’s understanding of and appreciation for the built environment. Conducting a Survey involves archival research, development of a historic context, field survey and recording of information.

The goal of the City of Coronado’s Historic Context Statement and Survey project is to develop these tools for use in the City’s Historic Preservation Program. Currently, the Coronado Municipal Code requires any structure in the City that is 75 or older to be reviewed for historic significance as a Historic Resource prior to demolition of any original features that are visible from the street right of way. This essentially results in any structure that is 75 or older being considered “potentially historic” and results in confusion regarding what type of development is allowed. Upon adoption of the completed Historic Context Statement and Survey, the number of “potentially historic” properties in the City would be narrowed down to only those properties identified in the Survey, providing clarity to the public and more certainty regarding whether a property may qualify as a Historic Resource.

The City has contracted with Dudek, an environmental planning firm based in Encinitas, to complete the Historic Context Statement and Survey project. Throughout that project, this webpage will be used to provide updates on status and opportunities for engagement.

The draft document is available for review on the City's website and on the Project Coronado page under Project Documents, as well as in print at City Hall and the Coronado Library. You can provide comment via email to or sign the Guestbook tool on the Project Coronado page.

Historic Context Statements and Surveys are planning tools for understanding, identifying, evaluating and protecting the City’s historical resources. Context Statements provide the foundation for successful survey work. They provide an analytical framework for identifying and evaluating resources by explaining the broad patterns of historical development of a community that are represented by the physical development and character of the built environment.

Historic Surveys are intended to identify potentially significant properties, provide information needed to make informed planning decisions, prioritize preservation goals and objectives, and increase the public’s understanding of and appreciation for the built environment. Conducting a Survey involves archival research, development of a historic context, field survey and recording of information.

The goal of the City of Coronado’s Historic Context Statement and Survey project is to develop these tools for use in the City’s Historic Preservation Program. Currently, the Coronado Municipal Code requires any structure in the City that is 75 or older to be reviewed for historic significance as a Historic Resource prior to demolition of any original features that are visible from the street right of way. This essentially results in any structure that is 75 or older being considered “potentially historic” and results in confusion regarding what type of development is allowed. Upon adoption of the completed Historic Context Statement and Survey, the number of “potentially historic” properties in the City would be narrowed down to only those properties identified in the Survey, providing clarity to the public and more certainty regarding whether a property may qualify as a Historic Resource.

The City has contracted with Dudek, an environmental planning firm based in Encinitas, to complete the Historic Context Statement and Survey project. Throughout that project, this webpage will be used to provide updates on status and opportunities for engagement.

The draft document is available for review on the City's website and on the Project Coronado page under Project Documents, as well as in print at City Hall and the Coronado Library. You can provide comment via email to or sign the Guestbook tool on the Project Coronado page.

  • PIER for Public Review

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    Today, August 23, 2024, marks the beginning of a 45 day public review period, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), for a Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) which has been prepared for the Draft Historic Survey. During the public review period, the PEIR will be available for review on the City of Coronado’s (City’s) website at, at City Hall, and at the Coronado Public Library.

  • EIR Public Scoping Meeting

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    SCOPING MEETING: On Thursday, June 27, 2024 starting at 5:30 p.m., the City of Coronado Community Development Department will conduct a public scoping open house to solicit input and comments from public agencies and the general public on the proposed scope of the environmental analysis for the project. The Scoping Meeting will be held at the Winn Room, located at Coronado Public Library, 640 Orange Avenue, Coronado, California 92118. The meeting will run from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. This meeting will be an open house format, and interested parties may drop in to obtain information about the project and submit written comments on the scope of the Focused EIR during the meeting. Representatives from the Community Development Department and the EIR consultant will be available to address questions regarding the EIR process.

  • Environmental Review

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    The following Environmental Review documents are available on the right hand side of this page under "Project Documents" in the "Environmental Review Documents" folder:

    Notice of Availability (NOA) of Initial Study (IS)

    Initial Study (IS) Checklist

    Notice of Scoping Meeting and Preparation (NOP) of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR)

    Notice of Transmittal of NOP

    Summary form for Submittal of Documents to the State Clearinghouse

  • Update to City Council

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    At the regular City Council meeting on June 4, 2024, staff will be providing an update to City Council on the public comment received since they last reviewed the item in November of 2023. After the agenda is published on May 28, 2024, you can view the staff report for this item on the City's website by visiting

    The draft document is available for review on the City's website on the Project Coronado page under Project Documents, as well as in print at City Hall.

    Update: this item was moved to the City Council meeting that will be held on July 16, 2024.

  • City Council Meeting

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    supporting image

    Staff will be providing an update to City Council on the public comment period and will request direction on next steps regarding the Draft Context Statement and Citywide Historic Resource Survey:

    • Regular meeting of the Coronado City Council, November 21, 2023 at 4pm in the City Hall Council Chambers
    • November 21, 2023 at 4 pm, City Hall Council Chambers - Regular meeting of the City Council

    The draft document is available for review on the City's website and on the Project Coronado page under Project Documents, as well as in print at City Hall and the Coronado Library.

  • Video - Historic Resource Commission meeting September 20, 2023

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    You can hear a brief presentation on the Draft Coronado Context Statement and Citywide Survey and hear the public comment that was received at the Historic Resource Commission meeting on September 20, 2023 at this link:

  • Upcoming Meetings 9/20/23 and 10/11/23

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    The public is encouraged to attend upcoming meetings to hear a presentation and provide comment on the Draft Context Statement and Citywide Historic Resource Survey:

    You can also provide comment via email to or sign the Guestbook tool on the Project Coronado page.

    The draft document is available for review on the City's website and on the Project Coronado page, as well as in print at City Hall and the Coronado Library.

  • Video - Public Comment Meeting August 23, 2023

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    You can view a brief presentation on the project and hear the feedback that was received at the Zoom meeting held on August 23, 2023 by clicking here and entering this passcode: 61^rYs*0

    You can also copy and paste this video link into your browser:

  • Public Comment Meeting - August 23, 2023

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    supporting image

    Join us for a Zoom meeting to gather public comments on the Draft Coronado Context Statement and Citywide Survey on Wednesday August 23, 2023 from 5:30 to 6:30pm. Please join the meeting here:

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 872 7857 7058

    Passcode: 421967

    Find your local number:

  • Draft Context and Survey is Live!

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    The Draft Historic Context Statement and Citywide Survey Tier Matrix was accepted by the City Council on June 20, 2023. The document is available for review under Project Documents on this page, and can be viewed in print at City Hall and at the Coronado Public Library. You can provide comments on the document by emailing Tricia Olsen at or by using the Guestbook tool on this page. Public review of the document will be open through August of 2023, and a public outreach workshop will be held, with a date to be announced soon.

Page last updated: 13 Oct 2024, 08:34 PM