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HRC Context and Survey Meeting September 20, 2023

The Historic Resource Commission meeting held on September 20, 2023 was devoted to a presentation on the Draft Context Statement and Citywide Survey, and the Commission and public provided comments...Read more

Update to City Council November 21, 2023
Update to City Council November 21, 2023
Staff provided an update on the project to the City Council on November 21, 2023, which you can view by visiting https://coronado.12milesout.com/meeting/council/11-21-2023
HRC Context and Survey Meeting September 20, 2023
HRC Context and Survey Meeting September 20, 2023
The Historic Resource Commission meeting held on September 20, 2023 was devoted to a presentation on the Draft Context Statement and Citywide Survey, and the Commission and public provided comments. You can view the video at this link: https://coronado.12milesout.com/meeting/historic/9-20-2023
Public Comment Meeting August 23, 2023
Public Comment Meeting August 23, 2023
You can view the public meeting held via Zoom on August 23, 2023 to gather comments on the Draft Coronado Context Statement and Citywide Survey by clicking the link below and entering this passcode: 61^rYs*0 Video Link: https://coronado-ca-us.zoom.us/rec/share/O2OL35UhysB2-Pv4Wut5CmDmRV7Tg9kW7OACFR2V5_8SuDeTLip1nnDOh8fM2h4z.kA_cnjvewbEGG0Ps?startTime=1692835237000
Kick-Off Meeting Presentation
Kick-Off Meeting Presentation
Did you miss the Historic Context Statement and Survey Kick-Off meeting on September 12, 2019? You can catch up by watching the video!