Parker Pump Station Replacement Project

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The City broke ground at the project site on January 6, 2023. The Parker Pump Station Replacement Project is vital to the City of Coronado's current and future infrastructure and is the largest of 20 pump stations citywide. The City is investing $26 million to replace the existing, aging Parker Pump Station with a new pump station. This critical infrastructure, located at 8th Street and Coronado Avenue, is responsible for collecting stormwater and sanitary sewer flows. The new pump station will improve operational efficiency and prevent flooding in homes, and pollution to the ocean. An additional 6,000 square feet of green space will also be added for the neighborhood to enjoy.


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The total cost of the project is $26 million. With Congressman Scott Peters from California's 52nd Congressional District championing the project, the City of Coronado will receive $3 million in federal appropriations to help fund the Project.


  • January 2023 to Summer 2025 (*barring inclement weather or supply issues)
  • Monday through Friday, 7 am to 4:30 pm

The City will work to complete the project as quickly as possible while minimizing dust, noise, and other impacts. Please use caution around the work area and thank you for your patience as we work to improve our infrastructure.


Located at Eighth Street at Coronado Avenue, the existing Parker Pump Station was constructed in 1983 and services both storm water and wastewater flows. The new Parker Pump Station will replace the current aging and failing station located at the western end of the city, along the Naval Base boundary. The Parker Pump Station is a critical piece of infrastructure responsible for collecting and routing storm water and sanitary sewer flows in the Country Club area of the city. The replacement project will completely rebuild the Parker Pump Station to provide service for generations and better protect the pump station from impacts from flooding and storm surge.

Rendering of new Parker Pump Station


  • Reconfiguration of the site to provide approximately 6,000 square feet of publicly accessible green space.
  • Relocation of all planned above-ground structures to approximately 75 feet behind the face of curb along Coronado Avenue.
  • Significantly reduce the need for a temporary, above-ground storm water and wastewater bypass system during construction by keeping the existing pump station operational throughout construction of the new station.


The City broke ground at the project site on January 6, 2023. The Parker Pump Station Replacement Project is vital to the City of Coronado's current and future infrastructure and is the largest of 20 pump stations citywide. The City is investing $26 million to replace the existing, aging Parker Pump Station with a new pump station. This critical infrastructure, located at 8th Street and Coronado Avenue, is responsible for collecting stormwater and sanitary sewer flows. The new pump station will improve operational efficiency and prevent flooding in homes, and pollution to the ocean. An additional 6,000 square feet of green space will also be added for the neighborhood to enjoy.


Check the News Feed below for project updates. Sign up for e-updates under the right navigation "Get Updates."


The total cost of the project is $26 million. With Congressman Scott Peters from California's 52nd Congressional District championing the project, the City of Coronado will receive $3 million in federal appropriations to help fund the Project.


  • January 2023 to Summer 2025 (*barring inclement weather or supply issues)
  • Monday through Friday, 7 am to 4:30 pm

The City will work to complete the project as quickly as possible while minimizing dust, noise, and other impacts. Please use caution around the work area and thank you for your patience as we work to improve our infrastructure.


Located at Eighth Street at Coronado Avenue, the existing Parker Pump Station was constructed in 1983 and services both storm water and wastewater flows. The new Parker Pump Station will replace the current aging and failing station located at the western end of the city, along the Naval Base boundary. The Parker Pump Station is a critical piece of infrastructure responsible for collecting and routing storm water and sanitary sewer flows in the Country Club area of the city. The replacement project will completely rebuild the Parker Pump Station to provide service for generations and better protect the pump station from impacts from flooding and storm surge.

Rendering of new Parker Pump Station


  • Reconfiguration of the site to provide approximately 6,000 square feet of publicly accessible green space.
  • Relocation of all planned above-ground structures to approximately 75 feet behind the face of curb along Coronado Avenue.
  • Significantly reduce the need for a temporary, above-ground storm water and wastewater bypass system during construction by keeping the existing pump station operational throughout construction of the new station.
  • Project Status: May 30, 2023

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    The City’s contractor, Filanc, worked in conjunction with their subcontractor, Foundation Pile, as well as city personnel and the CM team to streamline the sheet pile installation process. Crews focused on laying out the perimeter for the new pump station and modifying construction methods to minimize the impact of the construction on the surrounding neighborhood. Foundation crews pre-drilled the perimeter of the remaining sheet pile install locations.

    This pre-active measure streamlined the driving of the sheet pile installation process, allowing greater ease of the sheet piles being driven resulting in a faster install process and minimizing noise to the neighborhood. Once predrilling activities were completed, sheet pile installation activities resumed on May 18 and the installation was completed on May 26. The project team appreciates the neighborhood’s patience and cooperation during this phase of work.

    Now that shoring installation is complete, Filanc will focus on excavating to the bottom of the subgrade which is expected to take approximately one month. Filanc will also be working towards installation of a bypass system that will allow for the existing storm water discharge pipes from the pump station to be taken temporarily off-line and allow for the construction of a new meter vault while still maintaining the ability to pump storm water flows.

  • Project Status: May 18, 2023

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    Shoring operations were placed on hold beginning April 28 (2023) due to concerns with the installation method. The City contractor, Filanc made adjustments to the procedure and this phase of work resumed on May 18 and is expected to be completed by May 26. Noise mitigation measures are in place; however, it will still be loud during this work.

    The City and Filanc understand this activity is impactful to the surrounding neighborhood and are working to complete this work as efficiently as possible. We want to thank the residents for their cooperation and patience and apologize for the inconveniences.

  • Project Status: April 11, 2023 - Noise Impacts April 18-24

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    The City contractor, Filanc, is currently making preparations to install the new underground pump station structures. The final step of preparations will be to install shoring for the excavation operation. During the shoring installation, the surrounding area will be impacted by the noise generated from the operation.

    Mitigation measures are in place which consist of sound reduction materials installed on the fence along the north and south property lines, however, noise levels will be elevated throughout the surrounding neighborhood during this phase.

    The work will consist of sheet pile installation using a vibratory hammer. Large heavy equipment has been mobilized for this work.

    Neighborhood Impacts

    • From April 18 to April 28, there will be a high level of noise and vibration, as a result of steel sheet pile driving and installation. A noise control plan is in place; however, please note - it will still be loud during those seven days.

    Hours of Operation for Shoring Installation
    Noise impacts will be limited to Monday-Friday between 7:00 am to 4:00 pm.

  • Project Status April 10, 2023

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    Construction has continued past the rain events these past few weeks and has been focused on the Storm Drain and Meter Access Vault. This month, the contractor will concurrently begin the sheet-pile installation for the deeper underground structures.

    • Turned on dewatering pumps and began draw down around the Storm Drain and Meter Access Vault
    • Shoring box was prepped and installed around the storm drain force mains
    • Added additional precautions around the site to make everyone on site aware of the overhead utility safety hazard
    • BMP’s are an ongoing focus to minimize track out
    • Updated traffic control to increase visibility

    Upcoming activities

    • Sheet-pile installation will begin this week, aiming for Thursday, April 13.
    • Continuing to excavate to subgrade at the Storm Drain Access and Meter vault structure.
    • Major excavation and soil export will begin for the deep underground structures.

    Figure 1. Turned on dewatering system and began discharging to draw down the water table around the FM vault
    Figure 2. Shoring box install for Storm Drain Access and Meter Vault (Flowmeter Vault)

    Figure 3. Flowmeter vault shoring and excavation
    Figure 4. Added safety precautions for the overhead utility hazardFigure 5. Wheel washing to minimize track out

    Figure 6. Traffic control on Coronado Avenue by Acacia Way

  • Project Status March 6, 2023

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    The Construction contractor is prepping for larger scopes of work after the latest rain events. Below are the latest construction updates:

    • Effluent piping continues to be constructed from the desilting tank to the existing catch basin
    • Began drilling dewatering wells
    • Continue constructing the dewatering well discharge piping
    • The intersection at Eighth and Coronado Avenue has been closed and construction fencing is being installed.
    • Demolition of existing masonry wall and footing

    Upcoming activities

    • Electrical work to power each dewatering pump
    • Dewatering for deep underground structures
    • Shoring contractor will mobilize heavy equipment to begin sheet-pile installation.

  • Project Status February 27, 2023

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    • February 27, 2023 Project Update
    • The materials and deliveries continue to be secured, which is vital to the project, to minimize scheduling and delivery impacts.
    • Sound abatement barriers have been installed along portions of the south and north property lines. Crews are potholing (excavating) the existing 54" and 24" storm drain pipes to confirm the alignment, elevation, and outer diameters, before specific materials are ordered.
    • Beginning on March 1, the intersection at Eighth Street and Coronado Avenue will be closed for an extended period of time for the construction. The closure will ensure safety within the work zone and the surrounding area.
    • The contractor will also install the shoring system in the next few weeks. The work will take place sometime between March 1-22. The installation is expected to take 5-10 days and will be limited to working days (Monday-Friday) between 7 am and 4 pm. Notifications will be sent out soon and the contractor will distribute a door hanger, once the actual installation schedule is known.
    • The contractor will work to complete the project as quickly as possible while minimizing the noise, and other impacts. We appreciate the community's patience as this vital new pump station is constructed.

  • Project Status February 14, 2023

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    • Materials delivered, which will minimize schedule impact.
    • Sound abatement barriers installed around portions of the property lines
    • Prepped project site with base to control dust and minimize tracking out of site onto road
    • Excavating 54-inch and 24-ince storm drain force mains to confirm alignment, elevation.
    • Closure of 8th and Coronado Avenue Intersection on March 1, 2023.
    • Electrical work to power each dewatering pump.

  • Project Status January 23, 2023

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    • Construction activities for the new Parker Pump Station are underway. The contractor’s equipment is on site and crews have removed the existing landscaping.
    • Temporary fencing has been installed on the Naval Base property to create additional space for the construction supplies and equipment. Crews have installed water pollution controls to keep the intersection and stormwater catch basin clear of sediment.
    • Surveyors are on-site establishing construction control points.

  • Project Status as of January 26, 2022

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    Update: The Design Review Commission approved the exterior design of the project with minor conditions on January 26, 2022.

    The Parker Pump Station Replacement Project was presented at the December 8, 2021 Design Review Commission meeting but a decision was not reached. However, the Commission recommended lowering a portion of the proposed generator enclosure as well as minor revisions to the landscape plan. These recommendations have been incorporated in the project plans and the revised plans will be presented to the Design Review Commission at its regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, January 26, 2022 to request exterior design approval for the project. The revised plans and renderings can be found on Comment Coronado under Documents.

    For additional information see attached Courtesy Notice.

  • Project Status as of November 17, 2021

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    The project is currently in the 50% design phase and will be taken to the City’s Design Review Commission, currently scheduled for Dec. 8. The application, which includes architectural and landscape plans, renderings and a material board, can be viewed on this page in the Documents section on the right. The City encourages the public to review the design and provide feedback prior to the Design Review Commission meeting. However, the public also may attend the Design Review Commission meeting and provide input on the design.

Page last updated: 31 May 2024, 03:16 PM